

Globally, over 2 billion people lack access to safe, readily available water at home. In Africa and South Asia, Muslim Response USA provides access to safe and clean drinking water where it is most neededSingle Water Well can serve a community of around 3,000 people, and Hand Water Pump up to 200 people.

$50 - Towards A Water Hand Pump

WASH Education and Awareness:

Over 4 billion people are without safely managed sanitation facilities. Provision of WASH education and services improves the health of family members, especially children who grow stronger and perform better in school and sports.

By providing safe and clean drinking water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, you can help the most disadvantaged people to maximize their potential in a safer and healthier environment and contribute in the fight against poverty, hunger and disease.

Establishment of WASH Committees at community level and their training orientation on WASH and better management of water facilities. Muslim Response USA also facilitates the setting up of School Health Clubs and awareness raising events and campaigns, community education using electronic and print media, training and mobilization of health volunteers/workers.

Wash Facts

  • Provision of WASH education and services improves the health of family members, especially children who grow stronger and perform better in school and sports.
  • 263 million people have to spend more than 30 minutes per trip for collecting water from sources outside the home.
  • 159 million still drink untreated water from surface water sources, such as streams or lakes, and the majority of them live in rural areas.
  • Millions of homes, healthcare facilities and schools in many poor and underdeveloped countries still lack clean drinking water, and sanitation facilities including soap for handwashing.
  • Every day, more than 800 children under age 5 die from diarrhea attributed to poor water and sanitation.
  • The scarcity of clean drinking water disproportionately affects women and girls as they are seen as the collectors and guardians of water due to their stereotypical roles in many poor and developing societies.

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