Day Of Arafah

Day Of Arafah


Day Of Arafah

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) emphasized the importance of this day in this hadith:
"There is no day in which Allah frees a greater number of His slaves from the Hellfire than the Day of Arafah."

- Muslim

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) was asked about fasting on the Day of Arafah, to which he responded:
"It expiates the sins of the preceding year and the coming year."

- Muslim

The Prophet (ﷺ) said:
"The best invocation is that of the Day of Arafat, and the best that anyone can say is what I and the Prophets before me have said:
La ilaha illa allahu wahdahu la sharika lah, lahu al-mulku wa lahu al-hamdu wa huwa `ala kulli shai'in qadeer
There is no god but Allah alone. He has no partners. To Him belong the sovereignty and all praise. He has power over all things.”

- Al-Tirmidhi

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:
"There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than in these (ten) days."

- Bukhari